A coding project offered by Do4SA will help young people in the Eastern Cape get much-needed information technology skills. The Make me a Coder is a full SETA accredited course.
Through Make me a Coder youth who are interested in being trained how to write computer programmes and other computerised programmes like mobile applications in the wake of the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR).
Apart from training young candidates on how to code, the organisation also provides internships after the programme has been succesfully completed.
But the organisation, like many other community-based organisations, relies on donations to be able to provide these training opportunities for free.
The reason such skills training opportunities are provided for free is that South Africa is facing high levels of unemployment which disempowers young people from taking part in economic activities because they don’t have any formal education or training.
Coding is offered by some institutions of higher learning but at a cost, this prevents some people who can’t afford to pay these fees from attaining this much needed skills.
“Your donation will empower previously marginalized women and youth to enter the 4IR space with the right skills to help South Africa be tech smart. With South Africa facing high unemployment and poverty, Project Code is a lifeline for our youth, and our mentorship will prepare candidates for the exciting world of informational technology,” said the organisation.
The other reason Do4SA is offering this opportunity is the lack of practical skills which some Iand Communications Technology (ICT) graduates don’t posses as soon as they graduate, leaving thousands unemployable.
This project will ensure that these young graduates gain the right skills and are placed successfully in companies for internships and full-time employment, thereby reducing the skills shortage in South Africa.
“Project Coding will empower a low-income candidate to take control of their education. Reduce the skills shortage in the Information and Technology sector. Contribute significantly towards social equity, economic and social development,” said the organisation.
Editor’s note
As the world is moving towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), more and more people need to be trained on how to use technological things like the internet of things, how to navigate this ever-changing world of smartphones, one needs to be savvy. 4IR has inspired some people to pursue a career in the ICT field, which in turn benefits their communities and the rest of the world.
Make me a Coder, an initiative by Do4SA, is helping young adults between the age of 18 and 35 reach their full potential. Trained facilitators are making sure that those who are interested coding can access these learning opportunities for free courses.
Editor: Thato Mahlangu
Project Manager: Anirle De Meyer