Miya has set her efforts on changing lives of women in South Africa

Baratang Miya has dedicated her life advocating for the empowerment of women and girl children. Through the GirlHype, an organization she founded almost 10 years ago, she is educating young women and girl children how to code.

It was at university where Miya met a computer for the first time. Like most young people in South Africa, Miya was faced with poverty, which didn’t afford her an opportunity to use a computer. So far her it was important that young women and girl children get a better head-start.
She told Beautiful News that she soon realised the importance of technical knowledge in the workplace. This meant that Miya had to find ways of learning that new technological skill -she taught herself how to code
Her organization invites women and girl children to participate in free coding, programming and app development classes.

“My girls are here to take their rightful place in the world of tech,” Miya said.
Beautiful News stated in the article that in the top 10 global technology companies, women only fill 19% of industry-related jobs.

The mentoring and training provided by Miya and her team helps young women and girl children to understand how they can use such technological skills to empower their communities.

Some of the training takes place virtually even before Covid-19, which has made many people think about the idea of using the internet to enrich themselves no matter where they are in the world.

“They can keep on thriving where technology keeps evolving,” Miya says.
Miya encourages other people who might in interested in training others on these technoogical skills to start a GirlHype Coder Club in their own communities.

According to the online publication, Miya has so far helped train more than 900 000 young women and girl children who are now excelling in computer science.

“My dream is to have every child of South Africa knowing how to code,” she said. It is through the help of generous people who make donations to the organization Miya and the team are able to continue to do this amazing work.

Editor’s note: Miya is passionate about training women and girl children on key technological skills which they can use to empower their own communities.

Description: Through the GirlHype, an organization she founded almost 10 years ago, she is educating young women and girl children how to code.

Editor: Anirlé de Meyer
Project manager: Anirlé de Meyer