The greatest poverty is lack of ambition.
About Sci-Buddies
To many don’t have goals which encourage personal growth and independence. Encouraging children to become keen observers of the world that surrounds, to investigate the why and if will unlock hidden talent. South Africa needs individuals to push past the borders of known knowledge to become independent thinkers/creators of solutions of challenges peculiar to our South African landscape.
The study of sciences needs to be introduced early to our kids, making them mini Einsteins which will set the path of South Africans becoming contributors and change makers to the problems facing the lives of thousands.
The purpose of our Sci-Buddies Expo is to create an awareness of Science, to make kids see Science as an opportunity to pursue an academic field of study. The environment created by Sci-Buddies is fun and easy going, the experiments simple. Our goal is to create a passion for learning and pursuing academic studies not only as a sustainable income for people but using personal success to inspire friends and families.